Made in Bangladesh

Made in Bangladesh consists of a series of photographs where Bangladeshi garment workers pose wearing western fast fashion clothes. The workers imitate the positions they have seen in fashion photographs. The clothes are the same the workers make every day but never wear themselves. After production the clothes are exported to western countries, for example to Europe. There European fashion models exhibit them to local consumers in environments serving commercial goals. In this way disappear the worker and the questions related to working conditions behind the cloth. As a contrast to the above the workers in the photo series are photographed in their immediate environments.

Work Info

JP Kaljonen, Made in Bangladesh, Pigment ink print on light box film, 8 x 42 cm x 59,4 cm, 1 x 21 cm x 100 cm, Gallery Huuto Viiskulma, Helsinki, Finland 2010. Chattogram, Bangladesh 2009.
